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Swedish Cultural Society

Svenska Kulturföreningen Vancouver

Have a good summer see you all in the fall!

We hope that you are all enjoying the beginning of summer.

Adult classes (Swedish language) will start in September Our next big event will be the Swedish Christmas Fair in November. Lots of volunteers will be needed, so keep an eye out for our signup-genius emails in the fall. Enjoy summer and see you in the fall!

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June 2024 SKF Newsletter by Monica Olofsson
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June 22-23, Midsummer Celebrations

Scandinavian Midsummer Festival June 22 and 23, 2024

Viking Village, Cultural Displays, Shopping Kiosks, Dancing, Bonfire, Beer Garden, Music, Midsummer Pole, Traditional Scandinavian Foods, Kids’ activities. The fun and crazy wife-carrying contest always draws a lot of attention along with continuous entertainment all weekend.
  • Saturday June 22: 10am to 10pm. Cultural and commercial booths open until 6pm
  • Sunday June 23: 10am to 4pm

Tickets available at the Gate only: Saturday $15; Sunday $10

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June 8th, National Day Celebration

Sweden's National Day Celebration

Saturday, June 8 at 11.00-2:00pm at Scandinavian Community Centre in Burnaby. *Free for members and $10 for non-members.

An Evite invitation have been sent to all members. Please RSVP no later than June 3rd!

Please share photos from the event on Instagram and Facebook, and remember to tag us!!

If you have questions please contact Niklas Kviselius at or

Checkout more information on our National Day Celebration!

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SCS News Letter May 2024

May 2024 SKF Newsletter by Monica Olofsson
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EU Val

EU VAL by Monica Olofsson
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Sale 15% off, Swedish Gear from UR Store

To view UR Store specific products relating to our Swedish community use link below

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SCS April 2024 Newsletter

April 2024 SKF Newsletter by Monica Olofsson
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April 28, Walpurgis , Valborgsmässoafton

At Amble side Beach, West Vancouver at 6PM.

Enjoy the bonfire, bring & roast your own hot dogs and smores. Fun for all ages!

Christer and Niklas are planning this event and we expect many people to join us for this celebration of Spring. For more information see our website *Please bring your own hotdogs, smores, drinks, BBQ sticks, etc. Fire wood appreciated!

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April 19, Club Night at the Centre

All members Welcome. Time 7-9 PM.

The theme is “Swedish Language get-together” meaning that we try to speak as much Swedish as possible. Bar is open. Bring an appetizer to share (optional). RSVP to

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SCS KulturNytt March 2024

March 2024 SKF Newsletter by Monica Olofsson
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Volunteers Invited to Volunteer Lunch Jan. 28, 2024!

If you've volunteered with the Swedish Cultural Society during 2023, please join us for this volunteer appreciation lunch!

When: Jan. 28, 2024

Where: Scandinavian Centre; 6540 Thomas Street, Burnaby

Register: email; reserve your spot!

Thank you volunteers - we look forward to seeing you there!!

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Raoul Wallenberg Day Jan. 21, 2024

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God Jul / Merry Christmas
from the SCS Board!

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season and a very Merry Christmas from the Swedish Cultural Society Board! Looking forward to a fun-filled 2024!

"Nu är det jul igen,
ja snart är det jul igen,
och då får ingen vara mulen.
Se flingors vita fall
på gran och björk och tall,
de hjälper oss fint till julen.

Nu drages kälken fram
och torkas ren från allt damm,
och skidan spännes stramt om foten.
Nog var väll sommaren bra,
men snön är bra att ha,
kom ut och hjälp oss ta emot en"

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Advent Service at the Danish church

First of Advent Service, Dec. 3 at 6pm.

in the Danish Church 6010 Kincade Street, Burnaby– We will celebrate the start of the season with music: Children's choir, Specials, and Congregational singing. Rev. Patrick Bjurling will give his message in English and the children will hear a story, just for them, but you can listen in.

There will be a fika time after the service and time for us to catch up with old and young friends.

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Vancouver Swedish Lucia 2023 Celebration

Alicia Bristow is Lucia 2023

Come celebrate Swedish Lucia in Vancouver at the Scandinavian Community Centre!

Tickets now available!

Lucia afternoon performance: Traditional family celebration with Lucia procession, singing, cookies, and coffee.

Lucia evening performance and dinner: Traditional celebration with Swedish Christmas Dinner (Julbord), singing and Lucia procession.

Order tickets by clicking on links below:

On behalf of the Swedish Lucia Committee 2023

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2023 Lucia information

Now it's time to start thinking about the Lucia celebration. This years Lucia 2023 is Alicia Bristow

All children age 6 and up, whose parents are members of the Swedish Cultural Society, are welcome.

  • The first practice session is November 30, 7pm, at the Danish church (6010 Kincade Street, Burnaby)
  • Saturday December 2nd - Practice performance Swedish Canadian resthome.
  • Friday December 8th - Performance at IKEA Richmond.
  • Saturday December 9th - Two performances at the at the Scandinavian Centre.

For registration and more information please contact Catharina Wimme, email:

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Please join us at our 45th annual Christmas Fair!

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Swedish Christmas Fair Nov 18-19

Everybody Welcome

Swedish cafe: open faced sandwiches, glögg, hot dogs and treats.

We have a variety of wonderful vendors who offer traditional Swedish goods and items for family, home, celebrations and gift giving! See below for link to Vendor information

Click to view Vendors

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Join us for a Fabulous Swedish Friday Club Night! 29 September

📅 Date & Time: Friday, September 29th at 6 PM

🏢 Venue: Scandinavian Community Centre 📍 Address: 6540 Thomas St, Burnaby, BC V5B 4P9

Indulge in the Cozy Atmosphere of a Swedish Friday Night!🍰 Delight in Delicious Swedish Baked Goods (Hurry, they won't last long!) 🍻 The Bar is Open for All Your Beverage Desires ❓ Test Your Knowledge with Our Exciting Trivia Game Unwind and Connect with Fellow Swedes and Friends – A Warm Welcome Awaits! Hosted by the Swedish Cultural Society 🇸🇪 Don't Miss Out on This Memorable Evening! See You There! 🎉

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Musical Sermon,Lutheran Redeemer Church September 30

30 September at 2Pm.

1499 Laurier Av (1 kvarter norr om King Edward / Granville) Kollektiv trafik via Buss 10 eller 25

Det blir mycket sång och musik av flera olika musikaliska talanger. Solosång och allsång. Ta chansen att träffa Maria. Rev. Maria Scharffenberg Kyrkoherde Svenska kyrkan Toronto Mobilpräst Nordamerika

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Leif Erikson Festival October 21

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Fall work party October 28

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Midsummer 2023 Wife carrying contest

As always the very popular Wife carrying contest was enjoyed by our visitors. And the winner got the weight of the wife in Beer

Please be sure to enter next years event

In the olden days, in small town Finland, there was no social networking or internet dating – if a man wanted a woman from a neighbouring village he had to go and take her! This show of worthiness and determination – together with rumours and hearsay – evolved into the Wife Carrying Contest, where a “husband” carries a “wife” through an obstacle course for a prize.

*Note that husband and wife are labels used in this contest to identify the role that each team member plays. “Husband” does the carrying and “Wife” is the one being carried – regardless of actual marital status or gender. Please see the rules for more details.

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Midsummer 2023 over 4000 visitors!

Flag bearers from all Scandinavian countries:

  • Sweden
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Norway
  • Iceland

and Canada

Activities including Dance around the midsummer pole, lead by EmmaLena Fredriksson, lots of music, Scandinavian food, Wife carrying contest, "Hobby Horse Steeplechase”,Midsummer Spelmanslag &Scandinavian Dancers, Beer garden, Midsummer Pancake Breakfast and many more activities for kids and adults.

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Upcoming Summer Events! Jun 24-25

Scandinavian Midsummer Festival

June 24 (10am-10pm) and June 25 (10am-4pm) at Scandinavian Community Centre in Burnaby.

Enjoy the Viking Village, cultural displays, shopping kiosks, dancing, bonfire, beer garden, music, Midsummer Pole, traditional Scandinavian foods, and children's activities. The fun and crazy wife-carrying contest always draws a lot of attention along with continuous entertainment all weekend!

Please share photos from the event on Instagram and Facebook, and remember to tag us!!


We need your help to make this event possible - please sign up here to Volunteer at Midsummer!

For event information click here

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...Upcoming Summer Events! June 3

Sweden's National Day Celebration

Saturday, June 3 at 12-2:30pm at Scandinavian Community Centre in Burnaby. *Free for members and $10 for non-members.

An Evite invitation will be sent to members soon! Please RSVP by May 30th.

Please share photos from the event on Instagram and Facebook, and remember to tag us!!

If you have questions please contact Niklas Kviselius at or

Checkout more information on our National Day Celebration!

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Resources/Information on Sweden!

We want to share a helpful resource with you all!

Sharing Sweden offers a comprehensive collection of resources about Sweden, which is produced by the Swedish Institute.

Resources are sorted by topic and provides information and toolkits on different aspects of Swedish culture, art, education, music, films, literature and much more!

Feel free to check it out and you can also sign up on the site to receive their newsletter to stay informed.

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13 mars 2023

Egen erfarenhet som du vill dela med dig av eller bara intresserad av en viss fråga? Oavsett vilket är du varmt välkommen att delta på vårens förparlament som utgör upptakten till Utlandssvenskarnas parlament

Nu anordnar Svenskar i Världen ett flertal förparlament med syfte att ta tillvara på utlandssvenskarnas erfarenheter i viktiga frågor och diskutera olika lösningsförslag.

For more information, in Swedish, click here
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Upcoming Events + Scholarship Info!

Spring is here and we have some wonderful events coming up!

Valborg: April 30 at 6:00pm at Ambleside Beach in West Vancouver. Everyone welcome, no registration needed.

Swedish Sermon: May 12 at 7:00pm at the Danish Lutheran Church in Burnaby. A Swedish Priest from Toronto will be holding the Sermon in Swedish.

Swedish National day celebration: June 3rd, save the date, more information is coming soon.

Midsummer: June 24 and 25. Please visit the Scandinavian Midsummer website for more details. Volunteers needed!

Sweden House Society (SHS) Scholarships available: There are 2 scholarships available through SHS; please check out this link for more information!

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Svenska Skolan - Registrering är nu öppen för 2023-2024

Undervisningen är utformad för barn med svenska som ett levande språk i hemmet och minimikravet är att minst en familjemedlem talar svenska dagligen i hemmet

Årsavgiften är $350 per barn och alla familjer måste vara medlemmar i Svenska Kulturföreningen (SKF) för att barnen ska kunna delta i skolan. Medlemsavgiften för SKF är 30 dollar per kalenderår och familj. (OBS! För nya studenter, SKF medlemsavgift måste betalas för både 2023 och 2024.)

Sista dagen for registrering är 31 Mars, 2023.

Ni blir kontaktade i början av maj och för att garantera platsen så måste årsavgiften vara betald senast 20 maj, 2023.

Om du har frågor om denna registrering, vänligen kontakta oss på

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Linkoping Brass Band April 4th, 7PM, Free Concert!

Linköping Brass Band

A brass band from Ryttagårdskyrkan in Linköping Sweden. This band has been in existence for over 60 years and has members of all ages. They are on a North American tour and will visit and play in Vancouver for a few days in April.

We will have an opportunity to hear them playing at Connaught Heights Church, 2201 8th Ave, New Westminster, BC V3M 2T9 at 7pm on April 4.

This concert is FREE, lets come out and give them a real Vancouver Welcome!!

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Pickleball March 31st

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Cross Country Ski March 5th

Every one welcome!

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The Real Group - March 2 & 3

Sweden's world-renowned singers The Real Group return to Vancouver!

The Real Group, Quayside Voices, and Magee Chamber choirs perform.

When and where

Location: Magee Secondary School 6360 Maple Street Vancouver, BC V6M 4M2

Doors open at 6:30pm - shows start at 7:00pm.

The Real Group: A groundbreaking vocal group based in Sweden.With the voice as their sole instrument they have created a unique musical expression in the field between jazz, pop and Nordic European vocal music.The group has toured worldwide since it was formed in 1984.

Here is a preview of their music
Order tickets here
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Upcoming Events!

New Year, new events! Below are some upcoming Spring events that will be held at the Scandinavian Centre in Burnaby:

Raoul Wallenberg Day: Jan. 22. For more information please click here!

Volunteer Lunch: Jan. 29. All volunteers are welcome - please join us for lunch as a thank you for your help!

Swedish Cultural Society AGM: Feb. 14. We will email all members with information on how to register to attend our annual general meeting - stay tuned!

Club Night: Feb. 24

Linkoping Brass Concert: April 4 at 7pm. This group is on a North American tour and will hold a concert at the Connaught Heights Church in New Westminster.

Spring Cleaning Day: May 13

Stay tuned for our Newsletter (sent by email to members) with more information on these events! Feel free to email for more information.

We look forward to seeing you at these events!

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God Jul from all of us to all of you!

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Another lovely Lucia Event!

Our Lucia event on Dec. 10th was a success!

Thank you to everyone who attended the event and to the volunteers and staff who helped make it happen.

Checkout our Facebook page to see videos and highlights from the event!

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Lucia Celebration Dec. 10!

The annual Lucia celebration is back! This year's event will be held on Dec. 10th at the Scandinavian Centre in Burnaby - we are so looking forward to welcoming you all in person this year.

We will host both a Daytime and an Evening Lucia Procession, with daytime fika and evening Swedish Christmas Dinner (Smörgåsbord).

To purchase tickets to the event, please vist:
Daytime event tickets (1:00 - 3:00pm PST)
Evening event + dinner tickets (6:00 - 10:00pm PST)

If you wish to reserve a table, please email
Please note that this email is only checked daily, so please be patient with delayed responses.

We look forward to you joining us!

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Christmas Fair in Vancouver 2022

What a success!, 1700+ visitors, 27 vendors

This years Christmas Fair was a wild one. Lots of visitors, vendors, and on top of that, all sandwiches, hotdogs and "julglogg" sold out.

Please watch the video we have created for your enjoyment by clicking link below.

Swedish Christmas Fair 2022

Logoking forward to have you visiting or volunteering 2023 Christmasn Fair!

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Christmas Fair 2022, 'JulMarknad'

Photo Credit: Chris & Annika Photography

We have a variety of wonderful vendors who offer traditional Swedish goods and items for family, home, celebrations and gift giving!

For information about the Fair click this link

For information about 2022 participating Vendors click this link

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Please volunteer for fall cleaning

Please come to our work party to clean the centre.

A great way to get to know each other and the Scandinavian Community Center – from the inside and out.

On Saturday Oct 29, you are welcome to help. We start at 8.30 and continue until 15.

The Finnish war veterans serve breakfast at 8.30. Be sure to be on time; after 9 am, no breakfast will be served. Lunch is served at 12.30 by the Danish House Society.

Register in advance on tel 604-294-2777 or, so we know if you want breakfast and/or lunch. Bring rakes, leaf blowers, buckets & rags and vacuum cleaners. We will work regardless of the weather. Many thanks in advance!

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Advent service at the Danish Church

Nov. 27 at 6 p.m., you are welcome to Advent service in the Danish Church.

There will be a Christmas Sermon, singing, and music by children and adults, followed by coffe and swedish 'fika'

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Calendar/Activities October - November

Unless otherwise noted, all activities and events will take place at the Scandinavian Community Centre, 6540 Thomas Street, Burnaby.

  • 25 Södra bokklubben
  • 29 Fall Clean up at the Centre
  • 31 Baking class Kladdkaka
  • 7 Norra bokklubben
  • 19-20 Christmas market
  • 23 Baking class Kransekage
  • 27 Advent service, Danish church
  • 28 Baking class Lusse buns
  • 29 Södra bokklubben
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Lucia Pageant 2022

Now is the time to start thinking about Lucia!

All children aged six and up whose parents are members of the Swedish Cultural Society are welcome. The first practice session is on Dec. 1 at 7 p.m. at the Danish Church, 6010 Kincade St., Burnaby.

We will perform at IKEA in Richmond on Dec. 9 and have two performances at the Scandinavian Center on Dec. 10.

For registration and more information, contact Catharina Wimme at catharinawimme@gmail. com. Tickets for the Lucia celebration will soon go on sale on Eventbrite

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Christmas Market 2022

The Swedish Cultural Association organizes our annual Christmas market on November 19-20 at the Scandinavian Center in Burnaby.

We will have around thirty different vendors selling everything possible - many related to Swedish/ Scandinavian/Nordic Christmas and traditions.

We serve delicious Swedish sandwiches, pastries, and rice porridge in our Swedish cafe. We also offer hot dogs and glögg (mulled wine).

Free entrance and free parking. Open between 11 am and 4 pm, Saturday and Sunday. We need many volunteers – look for a separate mailing inviting you to participate!

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Vote as a Swede abroad!


Starting from July 28th, 2022, Swedes living abroad can now mail in their votes!

If you haven't already received your voting materials, it is recommended to reach out to the Swedish Ambassador or Consulate to request the voting materials to be sent to you.

- July 28: Swedes abroad are able to vote via mail

- Aug. 18: Swedes abroad are able to vote through Swedish Ambassador or Consulate

**Make sure to vote well in advance!

Below are a few helpful links that provide detailed information on the process:

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